Tyton Energy

SafeNight Charging — A new way forward

The world currently has 3.8 billion smart phones and is expected to grow to 5.2 billion active smart phones by the end of the year 2030. Which means there are currently 3.8 billion lithium-ion batteries in use powering each smart phone. Powering our smart phones has therefore become a daily activity, however the way the… Continue reading SafeNight Charging — A new way forward

HealthCycle, healthy?

Lithium-ion batteries within our smart phones were first discovered and invented by Sony 30 years ago. Since its inception the vast majority of our modern world is fuelled by these tiny packets of energy – ranging from smart phones to electric cars to hardware machinery. The lithium-ion battery has been the first choice to power… Continue reading HealthCycle, healthy?

Batteries – A brief history.

Well the world today is a lot different to the stone ages and certainly has progressed towards becoming a primitive stage advanced civilisation. Technology has become a core element of moving the world forward to help build a future of convenience, ease and innovation. However another element interestingly synonymous to technology plays a crucial role… Continue reading Batteries – A brief history.

Hydrogen energy – and so, it begins.

Since the inception of mankind, we’ve always been in search for sources of power that could help us convert one thing to another or better known as – energy. When first discovered fire we used it as a source of warmth and lighting, a way to create more advanced hunting tools and a method for… Continue reading Hydrogen energy – and so, it begins.

Five things that would make life at home – a little bit more wonderful

Home is a place of comfort, beauty and magic – we all know that. No matter the differences, it’s the one spot that’s bound to make us feel that we are now in our own elemental world. The time has arrived to take our shoes off and eat some pepperoni pizza while watching some friends… Continue reading Five things that would make life at home – a little bit more wonderful

Short. Regular. Top-ups. Instead.

Lithium-ion batteries have greatly advanced since it’s inception and made favourable changes to all industries across the globe, increasing the lifespan, performance and longevity of all the energy requiring elements we build. However as the importance of lithium-ion batteries have grown, the practice of care and how we use these resources are not quite there… Continue reading Short. Regular. Top-ups. Instead.

Five fruits that can help boost our energy levels through the day

Our minds and bodies are really cruising through the day thinking and acting on what the plan is for the day. Through the morning till we hit our beds at night, it’s a constant flow of one activity to the other — wether it be work, play, study, fun or fit we ought to complete… Continue reading Five fruits that can help boost our energy levels through the day

Five ways Turtle can help us make better use of our technology — everyday.

We’ve all got the same 24 hours a day, no matter where we stand on this big blue planet we all live by this universal principle of time. In the present timeline of today — the 21st century, the world has progressed and evolved into a technological marvel; smart devices, the internet and the digital… Continue reading Five ways Turtle can help us make better use of our technology — everyday.

Solar energy – the golden element.

Stars have rather an ancient beginning, from the inception of our solar system 4.5 billion years ago to the world we live in today – the stars around us have been creating life to those around us. We are the creation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulphur and phosphorus – all elements of which are… Continue reading Solar energy – the golden element.


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