Tyton Energy

Five things that would make life at home – a little bit more wonderful

Home is a place of comfort, beauty and magic – we all know that. No matter the differences, it’s the one spot that’s bound to make us feel that we are now in our own elemental world. The time has arrived to take our shoes off and eat some pepperoni pizza while watching some friends or kick back, scream “he’s one shot” and play some warzone – or plan out an entire world on how we might use a smart energy assistant. Whatever we choose to do, we thought of five devices that would make life at home a little bit more wonderful.

1 Google Home Mini


Google home is the perfect set up for your daily quick updates and assistance. As we all know, google’s already the keeper of all knowledge on all things around the world — so just ask away.

Google home’s really the device for the many everyday questions like — “Hey google, what’s the time?” While rushing in the morning or “Hey google, whens my next meeting scheduled for?” Or simply “Hey google, I wonder what’s the speed of light?”. It’s the perfect smart assistant for your everyday tasks.


2 — Apple iPad Air

The iPad is the go-to device for all things visual. Need to follow a recipe for dinner? Done. In the mood to watch some Netflix on the couch after dinner? The iPad’s got you. Wanna do some work research? Easy

It’s the best tool for your everyday tasks that require a large visual with crystal clear clarity and brilliant sound. Not to forget — the incredible speeds of Apple’s processors makes all these things all the more easier.


3 — A canvas stand

Our human minds are powerful, beautiful and diverse. On average we receive 70,000 thoughts per day and are ever racing. Therefore we believe in starting hobbies that can help calm us and enter us into a creative zen state — which is a healthy state.


Once we learn to breathe and put our minds to work through an activity such as painting — we learn to slow down and start using the creative element within us — the child in all of us, which is the pure you.


4 — Vintage Vinyl Record Player

Well we love music and we hope you do as well. It’s the magical symphony we hear that awakens moods, creates moments and makes our souls enriched with it’s beauty.


The vibe of snapping on an old record by Queen and dancing to its brilliance — zooms you back to the 1980’s and just captures the pure essence of the retro. It’s got this feeling when compared to playing music through a normal speaker — it’s just different.


5 — A Turtle

Our smart phones have really blended with us today, they’re our tools for communication, nutrition, transport, news and more — our helpers that bring the world out there, to us.


The ease of routine when starting our days with Turtles Autopilot makes progressing through tasks and walking through the day feel effortlessly cool, not worrying about the ever so lovely “Oh my phone’s dead” thought. The perfect tool to keep active our helper.

A wonderful home

Home is where the magic happens and we believe every home needs to be filled with devices that’ll sign to your heart, be there to inspire curiosity, help you learn new recipes and keep you optimistically productive.

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