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No, Turtle can only be magnetically connected to iPhone 12 and 13 models.
No, Turtle is not MagSafe compatible but we can magnetically connect to all iPhone 12 and 13 models.
Each EnergyCycle has a set start and a set end point. For example, DailyCycle starts at 70% and stops at 80%. Once a Cycle has been activated, please make sure Turtle is magnetically connected to your smartphone. After that, at exactly 70% Turtle will automatically start charging your smartphone for you and at exactly 80% Turtle will stop charging your smartphone.
Attach Turtle onto your smartphone in the morning and activate your preferred cycle. Continue using your smartphone as you normally would and your Cycles will automatically begin at the right time. Once your Cycles have been complete, dock in Turtle and your smartphone together to the wireless charging dock (Orca) to start wirelessly charging your smartphone and Turtle together. When you wake up, you will have a fully charged Turtle and smartphone to start your day once again.
We use advanced 5.0 Bluetooth Low Energy Technology for advanced energy saving. Whenever you would like to connect to Turtle, simply enable pairing mode on Turtle by pressing the power button for 2 seconds and open the Turtle App — the Turtle App will automatically connect to Turtle. This also means that you can use normal Bluetooth to connect to other devices such as your wireless headphones or earphones.
No. For this version release the cycle ranges will not be able to be customised.No. For this version release the cycle ranges will not be able to be customised.
No. Turtle can only be charged with 10W or Higher wattage charging pads.
Yes you can charge your Turtle by simply placing it on the wireless charging dock.
Neither. We use a 2.1mm DC Barrel jack plug point.
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9/C Malabe road,
Kalalgoda, Pannipitiya.
10230, Sri Lanka

+94 77 315 2724

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© 2021 Tyton Energy Company. Powered by Logicpal Solutions LK


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