Tyton Energy

Hydrogen energy – and so, it begins.

Since the inception of mankind, we’ve always been in search for sources of power that could help us convert one thing to another or better known as – energy. When first discovered fire we used it as a source of warmth and lighting, a way to create more advanced hunting tools and a method for cooking food. Through fuel, coal, wind, water, nuclear and solar we use these elements to solve the endless pursuit to find the most effective source of energy to power the countless needs of today’s world.

As the human population increases and the world progresses, we will require more sustainable sources of energy to power this growing demand. We have already experimented, innovated and discovered a great number of different sources of energy however a new relatively source of energy appears to be a superior competitor to our most widely used sources – coal, oil and gas.

Welcome, Hydrogen.

Hydrogen can be used in a mixed approach for energy generation and energy storage. The energy generation process works by first splitting water molecules into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electricity in a process called electrolysis. We recommend using electricity via a renewable source such as solar to make this process carbon neutral.

The next step in the process is to convert this hydrogen – into energy. Hydrogen electricity conversion occurs through “Hydrogen fuel cells” which converts the chemical energy in hydrogen and oxygen into direct current electrical energy via electrochemical reactions.

The process is reversing the method of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. The anode terminal is negatively charged while the cathode terminal is positively charged. These terminals are separated by a membrane that converts hydrogen gas into electrons and protons – the protons pass through the membrane to the cathode, leaving behind negatively charged electrons. The result? This creates a flow of direct current electricity between the terminals — generating energy.

Innovation and adaptation.

Well how do we use this source of energy? There’s two methods. The first method is the acquiring hydrogen via hydrogen generating factories. Then using this hydrogen we use hydrogen fuel cells to generate hydrogen into electricity – producing a steady flow of electricity that can be connected to the main grid and supplied to homes.

The second method of using hydrogen energy is a similar concept to batteries. The hydrogen is compressed into liquid hydrogen and is stored in hydrogen tanks. The liquid hydrogen can then be converted into electricity when needed in situations such as –night hours when renewables such as solar power do not have access to generate energy, stored hydrogen can come into play. Thereby the market for hydrogen energy can be used for generating plus storage of energy – a win on both ends.


Advancement and progression.

The process of generating hydrogen starts from water and the process of generating electricity through hydrogen creates water as a byproduct. Thereby the process is a cycle of energy that can be repeated and continued over a sustained period of time without having any adverse effects to our natural resources, global climate or economy.

Different to its rivals – coal, oil and gas, hydrogen does not release carbon dioxide as a byproduct of its energy generation process which will have and already has made catastrophic effects on our planet. Without a planet to sustain life on earth, we humans have no value in generating energy for our needs – as we would not have any further needs.

Hydrogen fuel cells have will also make a lasting impact on the automobile industry for its advantages over fuel and electric vehicles. Fuel consuming vehicles account for a large percentage of the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere which contributes largely to the
adverse effects of climate change. 

“Collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas. About five pounds comes from the extraction, production, and delivery of the fuel, while the great bulk of heat-trapping emissions—more than 19 pounds per gallon—comes right out of a car’s tailpipe.” – UCSUSA.ORG

Moreover, as electric vehicles continue to transform the automobile industry through its environmental friendly approach the ease of use and convenience part of using electric vehicles is yet to be solved – due to lengthy charging times. Hydrogen vehicles can be topped up in a matter of minutes and deliver the same mile range, speed and effectiveness of using an electric vehicle.


A brighter future.

As humans our curiosity and hunt for innovation never ceases, as we thrive as a species by advancing our world, the life around us and mankind itself into a more unified, intelligent and sustainable environment. This can be achieved with the use of increasingly evident forms of energy sources such as hydrogen to fuel this growing innovation.

We believe not in using hydrogen as a soul source of energy but rather in replacing the older, less beneficial forms of energy sources such as coal, oil and gas. We may begin advancing the world with using such energy sources, but we must not continue advancing the world by using such energy sources.

We’ve got to keep moving forward, that’s the only way we’ll build a brighter future. A world that is equally sustainable and equally advanced, we need to evolve in-between the fine lines of humanity and innovation.

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